ACES Thailand

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Public Approved

All rights reserved, copyright (C) Gideon Ariel

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Code adi-vid-01180
Title ACES Thailand
Subject (keywords) ACES ; Activities ; Exercise Machine ; Favorite ;
Duration 00:01:35
Created on 2/6/2010 12:00:00 AM
Label Approved
Privacy Public


Dr. Bonsai and his team have successfully improved the Ariel computerized exercise system. The new system includes a multifunctional machine and a leg machine, both of which have been thoroughly tested through prototyping. The multifunctional machine supports a variety of exercises, including bench press and squats. The leg machine, which is still in the prototype stage, will be showcased in an upcoming movie. The system also supports exercises for arms, shoulders, back, and stomach.

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Thanks to Dr. Bonsai and his staff that we were able to recreate the new

Ariel computerized exercise system and made it even better. Here is the

multifunction and here is the leg machine, the leg and the arm and the back and we

started with a prototyping. Here you see different people testing the

prototyping, here is the new multi-functions. You see now the production model and

different, especially the multifunction in different type of exercises. Here is in

the bench press, here it is in the squat and basically the mechanism that we

design is much better and here is the prototype for the leg machine, which later

on will show the movie of the finished product. Here is the leg machine again,

the different position and here it's the movie actually that show the exercise

extension flexion and then the leg, I mean and then the arms, biceps and

triceps and also you can do a shoulder, the rolling exercise and also back

and stomach exercise and back to the arm exercise.

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